Cookies policy

We care about your privacy.
The store uses cookies. Details about the cookies we use and the rules for their use can be found below.
We place great emphasis on the security and protection of personal data.
In our Store, we use technology that allows us to securely collect information to improve our products and improve the performance of our websites. Collected cookies enable, among others, remembering your actions and preferences so you don't have to re-enter them when you visit our sites. We use cookies for various purposes, so we encourage you to read the following information on the rules of using cookies.
What are cookies? How to manage them?
Cookies are IT data (small text files) saved and stored by the web browser on your device. Cookies perform many different functions, such as being able to remember your preferences, improving your website experience, and helping us offer you the best products.
We use two types of cookies:
session files - temporary files that are stored on your device until the website is closed;
permanent - files that remain on your device after closing the web browser for the periods indicated below.
When you enter our Store, only necessary cookies are automatically installed.
To install analytical or marketing files, we need your voluntary, prior consent. You can change your cookie preferences at any time by changing the settings of your web browser or through a special panel.
Cookie preference settings:
What types of cookies do we use?
The cookies we use are safe for your device. Through these files, it is not possible to get viruses, other unwanted software or malware to users' devices
Necessary cookies contribute to the usability of the website by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The store cannot function properly without these cookies.
The store uses Google Analytics cookies provided by Google Ireland Limited. ("Google"). These are files that, together with the IP address, are used to analyze how the Portal is used, to create statistics and reports on the functioning of the Portal. Google does not use the collected data to identify the user of the Portal and does not combine this information in to enable identification.
Google Ads is a tool for creating, broadcasting and analyzing the results of advertising campaigns in the search engine and the Google advertising network. based on data collected by Google Ads pixels.
Facebook pixels are a tool for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns carried out by the Company on Facebook. The tool allows for advanced data analytics in order to optimize the Company's activities also using other tools offered by Facebook.